Hemp Info

Why Hemp? Discover the Somewon Difference

Our passion for sustainable casual wear has inspired us to craft a unique line of apparel that's not just stylish but also kindhearted to our planet. We've chosen hemp textile as our star material because it embodies everything we stand for—sustainability, quality, and comfort.

Our commitment goes beyond just making clothes; it's about embracing the movement towards conscious consumerism. With each hemp piece, we offer you a premium product that stands the test of time, both in durability and design. Join us in making a difference.

Do the benefits of hemp align with your values?

The Creature Comforts of Hemp

  • Breathability:

Hemp fabric is highly breathable, keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter, which is something that synthetic fibers like polyester often cannot match.
    • Softness:

    Although hemp starts out a bit rough, it softens with every wash without breaking down the fibers, unlike cotton, which can become threadbare over time.
      • Quick-drying: 
      Hemp actively pulls moisture away from your body and allows it to evaporate much quicker than cotton. Makes great alternative to synthetics when active!

        UV Protection

        Hemp offers natural protection against ultraviolet light, providing an extra layer of defence on sunny days.


        Natural antimicrobial properties keep the funk at bay, so you can hug with confidence and maybe a little less deodorant!


        • Hemp fibres are incredibly strong and durable, so hemp clothing tends to last longer than cotton or polyester counterparts, giving you more value for your money.
        • Unlike cotton, hemp resists stretching and retains its shape throughout the day and it's life.


        Choosing hemp isn't just good for you; it's also beneficial for our planet. Here's how hemp stacks up against cotton and polyester from an environmental perspective:

        Sustainable Agriculture

        • Less Water Usage:

        10,000 L vs.2123 L that's the difference PER T-SHIRT! (2500 gal vs 500gal)
        (source: Stockholm Environment Institute - link)
        • No Herbicides Required:

        Hemp grows densely and quickly, outcompeting weeds, which means there's little to no need for herbicides. It also shows higher pest resistance than cotton.
        • Soil Enrichment:
        Hemp cultivation actually enriches the soil it grows in by replenishing vital nutrients and preventing erosion, unlike cotton, which can deplete soil quality over time.

          Organic Cotton vs. Hemp: A Tale of Two T-Shirts

          Bottom-line, when comparing eco-conscious clothing options there is not much sense in comparing conventional cotton or polyester to hemp. That's like comparing apples to elephants. Organic Cotton is a fantastic choice, initially. Let's compare the life cycles of organic cotton and hemp t-shirts to help you make an informed decision.

          From Seed to Store: Cradle-to-Gate Impact

          Organic cotton t-shirts, especially those sourced from developed countries, have a surprisingly gentle touch on the earth when we look at their journey up to the point of sale. With practices that focus on reducing carbon emissions, the cradle-to-gate perspective shines favorably on organic cotton.

          Full Life Cycle: Cradle-to-Cradle Considerations

          However, the plot thickens when we extend our view to the entire life cycle of these textiles. Hemp t-shirts may start with a heavier footprint, but their robust nature means they outlast their cotton cousins significantly. This durability translates to less frequent replacements and, ultimately, a lower environmental impact from a cradle-to-cradle standpoint.

          So, what's the verdict? If you're looking for short-term eco-savings, organic cotton is your go-to. But for long-term sustainability, hemp might just be the hero your closet needs. Choose wisely, and wear proudly!